
Team Australia & AOS World Championships

The AOS World Championships is the global pinnacle to celebrate competitive success in Age of Sigmar.  Becoming a representative of our country at the globally recognised peak of our game is the highest honour possible for any gamer in the AOS community.  

Team Australia is sending a rep squad to AOS World Championship 2024 in Amsterdam, following up on the teams successful 2022 & 2023 campaigns in Prague & Amsterdam!   

The next AOS World Championships event is expected to occur in the last week of May/ first week of June 2024.  (subject to final confirmation from the AOS Worlds event committee).

Team Australia participates in the ‘Teams’ event at the World Championships.  Any individual within the team or outside the team are free to apply to play in the ‘Singles’ event in their individual capacity. 

THE ASHES:  In addition to participation in the World Championships itself, Team Australia plays Team England in “The Ashes” event as a traditional warmup event.   This tradition of friendly rivalry between Australia and England is expected to continue in 2024.   At present, England hold the Ashes, but Australia has a serious goal of bringing the Ashes home in 2024!   

TASMAN CUP:  Team Australia also periodically plays the Tasman Cup vs Team New Zealand, usually around CanCon time but whenever the opportunity presents.   Australia currently holds the Tasman Cup, wining in 2023 (for the first time in 5 years!).   

Other details of the AOS World Championship can be found here:



Picture: Team Australia at AOS Worlds Prague 2022

Team Australia 2024

The rep squad for Team Australia for Campaign 2024 is:

Stuart McCowen (Captain)

Nicholas Ruesink-Brown (Coach, non-playing)

Liam Burnett-Blue

Matt Dale

Peter Kreitl

Lance Tan

Nathan Thomson

Jordan Rees

Raymond Lane

Nick Wright (Team Assistant & Reserve Player)


Rep Squad Application Process

The Team Australia rep squad is selected according to the process / rules publicly outlined in the Team Charter (linked below).   The team is “spilled” each year, with no player guaranteed a slot .  Every player on the squad must reapply and re-earn their spot again each year by exhibiting proof they are worthy to represent Team Australia at the peak global event for our sport!

Applications for 2024 for closed and will reopen for Team 2025 after the completion of the current campaign


Team Charter

Team Australia is governed by the rules and processes outlined in the Team Charter below.   This document is public and transparently available for review by the wider Australian AOS community as a tool of governance, probity and fairness.

Each year the new squad will review and ratify the Charter as their commitment to the Team, to each other and as representatives of our awesome AOS Australia community on the global stage.  

Team Charter: 


The Honour Roll

This register honours Team Australia members as a permanent public record of their service.   Each Team Australia member receives a ‘cap number’ from when a player is first selected for the Team Australia rep squad.  Each players team jersey for Worlds will reflect their ‘cap’ number.     While Team Australia traces its roots to ETC-WFB days, this ‘cap register’ begins from squad 2022.   A players’ Team Australia Cap Number is based on the date order for their squad selection.  Where a player joined the team at the same date, the cap number is determined alphabetically by surname.                           

The purpose of this register is to honour and remember the representatives who have been selected to serve our community as members of Team Australia as part of institutional memory of the sport.

Cap NumberPlayer NameSquadsOther notes
1Mat Tyrrell2022Captain 2022; Master 2019
2Michael Clarke2022, 2023 
3Dave Kerr2022, 2023Master 2017; Master 2018; Master 2023
4Sam Morgan2022, 2023Captain 2023
5Alexander Krohn2022 
6Stuart McCowan2022, 2023, 2024Captain 2024
7Fabian Quin2022Mercenary
8Peter Kreitl2022, 2024Mercenary
9Joel Graham2023Interim Master 2021
10Mark Nodge2023 
11Jimmy Page2023ANZAC Spirit
12Scott Wyatt2023 
13Jordan Rees2024 
14Liam Burnett-Blue2024 
15Matt Dale2024 


Nathan Thompson

Lance Tam

Raymond Lane



Coaches and Assistants

2023:   Nicholas Ruesink-Brown (Head Coach) & Nicole Wyatt (Assistant Coach)

2024:   Nicholas Ruesink-Brown (Head Coach) & Nick Wright (Team Assistant & Reserve Player)

Special note is given to:  Charles Black (2020), Peter Atkinson (2020), Liam Burnett-Blue (2020), Andrew Bigwood (2020), Clint Mallet (2021), Lachy McLean (2021) and Tristian Smith (2021).   All these worthy players earned the right to wear the green-and-gold in the 2020/ 2021 rep squad(s) however due to covid the 2020/21 rep squads did not get to play at the event and these worthy players did not get the opportunity to formally represent their country (yet!) in our great sport at the World Championships.